Do you have a (vino) passion?

The first ever Vino Passion exhibition  dedicated to wine tourism is happening in Epernay on the 20th, 21st and 22nd May and it promises to be a great event. 

Unfortunately the website is only in French (big mistake in my view) but nevertheless, the town of Epernay with its wonderful new exhibition hall is rivalling Reims as the centre of wine tourism for the Champagne-Ardennes region. 

This exhibition promises food and wine matching, workshops, capsules exchange, guided tours of the vineyards and tastings with small producers, plus other exciting events, inside and outside, to entice the wine and champagne loving tourist with all that France has to offer.

Could be a rival for the Reims Wine Festival in November?  Both would be worth visiting in my view if only to experience the atmosphere and ambiance of the French indulging in their favourite pastime – eating and drinking.


Categories: B&B

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